

How to choose office line lights? Pay attention to these points!


Speaking of office lighting, office line lamps must be indispensable. So, how should you choose when you choose to cooperate with line lamp manufacturers? Many people are very confused. For different application environments, how to determine the brightness and light attenuation in different environments such as conference rooms, auditoriums, office areas, canteens, etc. Let us see how to choose.

First, the chip of office line light generally has two types of domestic and imported chips. If the chips are different, the price difference is very large. At present, the more expensive chips come from the United States, and the more affordable chips are those from Taiwan. The price of domestic products is still moderate, and the performance is very good. What kind of lighting chip to use in the office process, what kind of effect, should be aware of.

Second, when the linear lamp is packaged, choose resin and silicone packaging. The price of the resin package is low, mainly because the heat dissipation ability is not very good. Although other package prices are high, naturally the disadvantage of poor heat dissipation is avoided, so this This is the difference between the two.


3. The welding effect of office line lights is mainly divided into manual and machine welding. Manual welding mainly uses a soldering iron, which is the most primitive welding method. This appearance looks ugly and is prone to leakage and static protection The work is not done well, resulting in a dark situation during the power-on process. Machine soldering is very beautiful, the solder joints are smooth, the size is consistent, and the appearance of the chip is not damaged.

In short, the process of selecting LED line lights is very complicated. According to the different needs of the application environment, price, chip, appearance, and place of use, comprehensive consideration should be given. In addition, you should look at the color and patent information of the line lights



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