

To prevent myopia, what are the requirements for classroom lighting!


Students now spend most of their time in the classroom and study in the classroom. At this time, the lighting requirements are higher. If there is any failure in the classroom lights, this will bring children's eyes. Certain damage, especially easy to cause the appearance of myopia, so education lighting requirements are relatively high.

1.Lighting needs for small classrooms

Like some small classrooms, because the space is not very large, we do n’t need to install as many classroom lights at this time. Generally, only two or three columns need to be installed. Generally, the classroom lights are installed according to 4 One or six classroom lights are sufficient, so there is no problem with lighting.

2. For the lighting needs of large classrooms

Some large classrooms need to install more eye-protecting classroom lights in terms of lighting. The installation of such classroom lights is generally more than three or more, and in the middle of the classroom, more lights are required and installed at the same time. The lamps in the middle require higher brightness, so the way of spreading from the middle line like two sides is the basic requirement for installation.


3. Lighting requirements for special classrooms

In some schools, in addition to some ordinary classrooms, there are also some laboratories, art rooms, gymnastics rooms, etc. These classrooms are also a style for lighting equipment, and usually need to be combined with some of the classrooms. Special requirements for the installation of some classroom lighting, there are some special requirements in terms of installation.

The above are a few introductions to the requirements of classroom lighting. In terms of classroom lighting, some special classrooms need special treatment. Different classrooms are installed according to different needs.



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