

Why are educational lighting improvement projects so important?


I believe everyone knows that the domestic myopia population is getting older, and many children who have just entered the first grade have serious vision problems. When everyone pointed their finger at smart devices, experts told them that there was a problem with school education lighting, which caused students to be short-sighted. If school lighting is not improved in a timely manner, myopia will become more severe for students.

There are indeed many problems in domestic classroom lighting. For example, many schools are still using traditional fluorescent lamps. This kind of classroom lighting installation method is soft hanging. If the classroom fan is turned on, the lighting will start to shake. The lights were flashing all the time, and students' eyes were harmed. In addition, this kind of lamp contains harmful substances. If the lamp is not installed properly, it will cause damage to students.

Moreover, in addition to the unstable lighting of traditional classroom fluorescent lamps, there is also a problem of large power consumption. You can see that the monthly electricity bill increases, and it will be a lot of money in the long run.


The school now has computer classrooms, chemistry classrooms, music classrooms, art classrooms, etc. These classrooms have very high lighting requirements. For example, in art classrooms, if you choose an eye-protection classroom with incomplete spectrum of lights, it will cause students to draw when Unclear colors, this is a very serious matter.

It can be said that domestic education lighting renovation work must be carried out quickly, for the sake of the vision health of the next generation of the motherland. It is very important to purchase the appropriate LED eye protection classroom lamps. At present, there are many manufacturers of this type of lamps on the market, but not all lamps can be purchased. There are also problems with LED eye protection lamps produced by some manufacturers, so it is recommended that you choose professional manufacturers to buy.



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