

What are the problems with traditional education lighting?


Everyone knows that a student spends 8 to 10 hours a day in school. A number of studies have shown that there is a big problem in the eyesight of domestic students. It was learned from surveys that poor lighting was the culprit The culprit, here are some details about the problems caused by poor lighting.

1. Affect students' ability to distinguish colors

The spectrum of ordinary fluorescent lamps is incomplete, which may cause color cast and color loss. Normal people stay in this environment for a long time, and they will gradually hinder the surrounding color resolution. In simple terms, they cannot distinguish colors normally.

2, low service life, severe light decay

Some classroom lighting has been able to provide reasonable lighting during the first few days of installation and use, but after a period of time, the lighting brightness has become lower and lower, and no light can be provided behind. This shows that there is a problem with the quality of the lamps, and the serious deterioration of the lamps also affects the normal learning of the students. Usually it takes a while for you to purchase and install the lighting lamps.


3.High power consumption of traditional lighting

Some school leaders think that traditional lighting is cheap and can save money for the school, so they go to buy this kind of general lighting. In fact, from a long-term perspective, high-quality LED education lighting is definitely better than traditional lighting. This is because traditional lighting consumes a large amount of power and has a short service life. It also requires frequent inspections and maintenance, which brings economic pressure to schools.

There are indeed many problems with traditional classroom lighting. For students to enjoy a high-quality learning environment, you can find Zhongshan City Weiss Lighting Co., Ltd. to buy high-quality classroom lights. It can be said that the company is well-known in the entire lighting industry, and many well-known domestic companies are also looking for them to buy lamps.



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