

Three reasons to tell you why you cant purchase poor quality educational lighting fixtures


In the past, many school leaders did not pay much attention to classroom lighting. Nowadays, with the increase in the number of myopia students in China, most schools attach great importance to education lighting, and usually choose a professional lighting manufacturer to purchase lamps. However, some schools have insufficient procurement budgets, so they want to purchase lamps at low prices. Here we will tell you why inferior lamps cannot be bought.

1. Affect teachers' teaching

These low-quality, inferior classroom lights are usually uneven in light. When the classroom is turned on, the classroom cannot be lit. There will be some places that are very bright and some places that are dark. Seriously, the teacher's eyes are sore after a while while teaching, and it also affects the students' listening.


2. Affect students' vision

Relevant national departments have previously proposed that the light source used in classroom lighting should meet the requirements and there should be no light pollution. Now many students, because of the high flicker of the light source, cause eyestrain and reduce vision.

3. Hidden security risks

Traditional fluorescent tubes contain heavy metals such as mercury and fluorescent powder. If the tube ruptures due to some accidents, harmful substances will cause serious harm to students. Many countries now prohibit the use of such lamps.

From the above three points, it is not difficult for everyone to see that poor quality lamps will have a serious impact on students and teachers. Strictly speaking, children are the future of the motherland. If their education is affected, it is a very serious matter. It is also recommended that you can find education lighting fixtures from Zhongshan Wei Naishi Lighting Co., Ltd., engaged in various types of lighting fixtures for many years, and have a good reputation in the industry.



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